HOsiHO Drone Pilots Network
HOsiHO's pilots and UAV operators network in France
Who are we ?
This network is an emanation of the talented certified drone pilots contributing to the aerial stock collections HOsiHO: world viewed from the sky !
All of them are drone operators experienced in flying UAV for aerial filming or drone photography, as well as technical and inspection missions, this in strict compliance with the french drones rules in force (DGAC declaration and appropriate up-to-date insurance, respect of the safety distances and flight scenarios, information of the managers of restricted areas, obtaining mandatory permits , ... etc).
All have many years of experience in diverse drone applications, as well as prestigious references they present on their respectives dedicated pages.
Why a drone network of french UAV telepilots ?
Because finding a drone operator can be tedious and risky.
Indeed, each customer often asks these questions at the time of ordering:
- How to be sure to make the right choice ?
- Is the "cleseness" advantage sufficient ?
- Can I afford a failed shooting ?
- How can I be sure that the pilot is following the drone's french DGAC rules ?
So many questions there is no need anymore to ask, since HOsiHO Drone Network has selected the most qualified drone operators companies on the basis of their legal standing and the following six criterias :
- Creativity
- Enthusiasm,
- Availability,
- Flexibility,
- Proximity,
- Versatility.
All are committed to providing you with the best service, as soon as possible.
After the assignement, you are invited to give your opinion on the hired drone operator.
Our internal rating system allows us to monitor the quality oft he rendered services.
In case of bad assessment, we enquire with both parties: customer / pilot.
Depending on the result, the drone operator is warned or suspended.
In case of recidivism, his network membership is compromised.

Main principles and advantages of our drone network in France
A HOsiHO Drone Network operator is the only one to receive requests concerning its sector (french departments bordering its headquarters) and the only one authorized to carry out the desired services.
There is no competition between our regional correspondents, which allows for great conviviality and emulation within our community of pilots.
All of them deliver the same level of quality at an almost identical price, which is the very guarantee of the network.
No commission is charged by HOsiHO Drone Network.
Each UAV company retains its commercial and technical independence but may occasionally call on the skills of other members from time to time to carry out a specific mission for which it does not yet have full control or the appropriate equipment and gears.
This is the principle of a virtuous circle of exchange specific to the HOsiHO Drone Network's French UAV operator network!