HOsiHO attending the London Footage Marketplace !

Your Premium Aerial Images Source


HOsiHO will be attending the next

London Footage Marketplace

on May 15th, 2019

We will be delighted to meet you there, on Table 23 !

Please register here and drop us a line if you are coming.


Discover our London Aerial Stock Footage !

HOsiHO licenses aerial and drone stock videos for use in commercials, television shows, documentaries, feature films, and design or creative work.

HOsiHO’s aerial footage and image collections are hand-picked for technical quality and creative relevance.


We are more than just an online library !

In case we don't have the perfect clip yet online, just ask us to do the search for you. We have direct access to the most talented aerial cinematographers, so we often find exactly what you are looking for.


Check-out our unique services :

Free Image Search Requests
(for existing offline images) 
HOsiHO Drone Network
(Find a talented drone pilot)


Feel free to call or email-us anytime !


Phone : +33 768.347.313