HOsiHO, is a French company specialized in the production and distribution of aerial images.
During these two days at the SATIS in Paris, the agency will showcase its original and qualitative offer, available through two online services :
Aerial image bank:
HOsiHO.com is home to a collection of 18,000 highly-curated aerial videos and photos.
The agency, created in 2014, represents a group of more than 150 talented aerial filmmakers based around the world. All clips are available under the popular "Royalty-Free" license.
Footage and stills cover the most remarkable places of our world and are mainly filmed from drones or helicopters, always legally with creativity !
90% of the collection is shot in 4K ultra-high definition and is subject to special care when it comes to selection. Every single shot is hand-picked and validated by a curator.
This a guarantee of flawless quality.
Drone Operators Network (France only):