After three years, the originality and specificity of the HOsiHO UAV pilot network remains intact !

- A network relying on a aerial image bank
- Each member is invited by HOsiHO agency on the basis of his talent and creativity as a visual artist
- No commission received by the network on the assignments carried out
- Uniform rates for drone services, based on a common reference grid
- No competition between members, each one having its own exclusive region
- No anonymity, each UAV pilot can be contacted directly by e-mail or telephone
- A group on a human scale, supportive and professional
- Spotlight on drone operators (Blog, Facebook Exhibitions, Press release, ...)
- Sharing of knowledge, gear, and complex and/or multi-site aerial/ground assignments -
- Special Operations carried out nationwide (live streaming, filming of urgent local issues)
Due to the pandemic and reconfinement in France, and failing to celebrate our third anniversary all together with our customers on our booth at the SATIS tradeshow in Paris, as we had originally planned, we invite you to read what our UAV pilots, members of the network, are drawing up as an inventory of how far we have come in three years.
We look forward to hearing from you by e-mail and telephone, and to seeing you on your shooting sites in France, while waiting for the resumption of a normal social life!
T H A N K S !