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List of french certified drone pilots members of HOsiHO Drone Network also shooting timelapses and hyperlapses, in France

What if you add a timelapse to your next audiovisual production?

With a timelapse, the sensation of passing time is obvious.
This is the best visual way to summarize, in a few seconds, an action that took hours, even days or months to come true!

These accelerated films also bear the name of hyperlapse if in addition to the time that passes, they transport you in space, as an aerial shot or a semicircle around a remarkable point.

See some examples of hyperlapses by drone for sale through our drone videos stock collection.
Performed on the ground, or by drone, by dedicated cameras programmed accordingly, these few images will make all the difference with the film of your competitor who did not use it!

The members of the network listed below, master perfectly these two creative techniques with high added value. Of course, they can support the design and production of a short film.
All are experienced in audiovisual production, with or without drones !

Know how to optimize your technical skills
This is the main quality you look for in a creative person who makes aerial shots with drone and ground. The work requires rigor, meticulousness and creativity. Let's take the example of two shooting techniques called timpelapse and hyperlapse. The idea is to film a sequence of a well-defined duration from the same point of view. The result is compiled in slow motion or accelerated on a video. 

The making of videos in timelapse and hyperlapse

The projection standard of a film is on average 24 or 25 frames per second. These two shooting techniques consist in decreasing the number of frames per second to give an acceleration effect. This is called an accelerated summarization technique. Today, companies and certain television programs are very demanding for this type of video.

What is the difference between a timlapse and a hyperlapse?

The difference between the two is very simple. In the timelapse, the camera is fixed. We can also use a drone that we will stabilize in flight for high shots. The whole sequence is filmed from a single angle. It is used in particular for scientific videos to measure rather long phenomena. It is also used to monitor building sites in the construction, urban planning and industrial sectors. Farmers also use it to monitor the evolution of their crops. 
On the other hand, hyperlapse is a technique similar to timelapse, except that the camera is in motion to film a scene, an accelerated action from different points of view. It allows to add a very aesthetic effect, which is very appreciated in the event industry for example or in the hotel and restaurant sector. The technique is also used to monitor construction sites or inspect works. As the camera must be in motion, professionals often use a drone. Firstly, because it can go further and higher. Secondly, because the image is perfectly stabilized and this saves time in post-production. 

All our drone operators are declared to the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile) with a unique ED & UAS FRA identification numberand shown on their page. All are duly insured to provide aerial audiovisual shooting services with drone in France (drone photography, aerial video, cinema and series).

All of them have been selected by the aerial image bank

Logo HOsiHO solo Rond FR-72dpi

for the high quality of their audiovisual services and their professionalism in terms of aerial imagery.

The connection with a drone pilot from the HOsiHO Drone Network is free of charge.

To learn more about French regulations concerning Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV or Drone), please read our Regulation page.

AERO7 (drone Perpignan, Carcassonne, Toulouse)

AERO7 (drone Perpignan, Carcassonne, Toulouse)

66 - Pyrénées-Orientales 65 - Hautes-Pyrénées 31 - Haute-Garonne 11 - Aude 09 - Ariège

D COM DRONE (Paris, Seine-et-Marne)

D COM DRONE (Paris, Seine-et-Marne)

95 - Val-d'oise 89 - Yonne 77 - Seine-et-Marne 75-20 - Paris 20e 75-19 - Paris 19e 75-18 - Paris 18e 75-13 - Paris 13e 75-12 - Paris 12e 75-11 - Paris 11e 75-10 - Paris 10e 75-05 - Paris 5e 75-04 - Paris 4e 75-03 - Paris 3e 10 - Aube

Dragonfly-Production (drone Limoges, Limousin)

Dragonfly-Production (drone Limoges, Limousin)

87 - Haute-Vienne 36 - Indre 23 - Creuse 19 - Corrèze 18 - Cher 15 - Cantal 03 - Allier

DRONE IT (Créteil, Évry, Saint-Denis)

DRONE IT (Créteil, Évry, Saint-Denis)

94 - Val-de-Marne 93 - Seine-Saint-Denis 91 - Essonne

Drone Pictures (drone Marseille, Avignon, Cannes)

Drone Pictures (drone Marseille, Avignon, Cannes)

84 - Vaucluse 83 - Var 34 - Hérault 30 - Gard 2b - Haute-corse 2a - Corse-du-sud 26 - Drôme 13 - Bouches-du-Rhône 06 - Alpes-Maritimes 05 - Hautes-Alpes 04 - Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

FlyUp Drone (Brest, Lorient, Nantes, Vannes)

FlyUp Drone (Brest, Lorient, Nantes, Vannes)

56 - Morbihan 44 - Loire-Atlantique 29 - Finistère 22 - Côtes-d'armor

ILARA Drone (Rouen, Caen, Le Havre)

ILARA Drone (Rouen, Caen, Le Havre)

76 - Seine-Maritime 61 - Orne 50 - Manche 27 - Eure 14 - Calvados

L'ATELIER DU CIEL (drone La Rochelle - Vendee)

L'ATELIER DU CIEL (drone La Rochelle - Vendee)

86 - Vienne 85 - Vendée 79 - Deux-Sèvres 17 - Charente-Maritime 16 - Charente

LET'S FLY PRODUCTION (drone Lille, Calais, Amiens)

LET'S FLY PRODUCTION (drone Lille, Calais, Amiens)

80 - Somme 62 - Pas-de-Calais 59 - Nord 51 - Marne 08 - Ardennes 02 - Aisne

Macareux Productions (drone Rennes, Laval, Angers)

Macareux Productions (drone Rennes, Laval, Angers)

72 - Sarthe 53 - Mayenne 49 - Maine-et-Loire 41 - Loir-et-Cher 37 - Indre-et-Loire 35 - Ille-et-Vilaine

SKYPIC (drone Strasbourg, Metz)

SKYPIC (drone Strasbourg, Metz)

90 - Territoire de Belfort 88 - Vosges 71 - Saône-et-Loire 70 - Haute-Saône 68 - Haut-Rhin 67 - Bas-Rhin 57 - Moselle 55 - Meuse 54 - Meurthe-et-Moselle 52 - Haute-Marne 25 - Doubs

SPIRITPROD33 (drone Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine)

SPIRITPROD33 (drone Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine)

64 - Pyrénées-Atlantiques 47 - Lot-et-Garonne 40 - Landes 33 - Gironde 32 - Gers 24 - Dordogne